Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Deer Management

We all have the optimistic thought of shooting a great buck each and every year once hunting season roles around. The thought of taking pictures of a deer with antlered points going everywhere and the stories to share with family and friends, even gets my blood flowing. On the flip side of this, we all need to be involved in Quality Deer Management. Doing our part in harvesting antler less deer will only provide a better balance of numbers and quality deer on the properties we hunt.

After spending 9 wonderful days at the beach with the wife and kids, we headed back to Virginia. The early antler less season opened on 5 September 2009. After 8 hours on the road, unpacking, and getting some rest.....I was pumped to get in the woods. On Monday, I received a text message from a good buddy of mine (Jeff) asking if I was interested in hunting some does on some property he has permission to hunt. Once the truck was loaded, I was headed up the road to sit in a ground blind over looking a food plot the deer have been hammering. Jeff and I got to the blind around 5:15pm. By 5:30, we noticed a lone doe working her way to the far end of the food plot. She worked the food plot for several minutes before providing me a 32 yard shot. I settled the pin and let the arrow fly, right in the boiler room the fetching disappeared. The doe bucked like a million dollar bull at a rodeo and off she went. After giving the animal some time, Jeff and I started the job of tracking the doe. The doe was recovered after about 40 yards. It was an awesome feeling to be a part of this hunt, even though the deer had to be dragged by the legs and not horns.


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