Monday, January 31, 2011


I love coffee in the morning. Especially cold mornings, when the temperature has dipped, and there is frost on the ground. I love to get up early on these mornings, bundle up in some warm clothes, and sit on the porch sipping my coffee while watching the sun peak over the horizon.

Now I am not talking about super special wonder coffee that has names longer most scientific organisms. While I like some flavored coffee, it doesn’t have to come from a faraway land with a special blend. In fact some of those fancy coffee shops almost take the fun right out of coffee. Take for example Starbucks. If I want a regular cup of coffee I have to choose from the following:

-Latin American coffees
-Africa Arabia coffees
-Asia Pacific coffees
-Multi-region coffees
-Specialty roasts
-Organic & Fair trade

Seriously, all I want is a hot cup of coffee. And don’t get me started on the “fu-fu” drinks:

-White chocolate mocha
-Skinny white chocolate mocha
-Half caf non fat mocha chino with a dash of pumpkin spice full foam
-Sugar free soy latte half foam decaf

What the hell have we come to? In our world of ever increasing technology and our “keep up with the Jones’s” attitudes, we have successfully taken the fun out of the one and only simple pleasure of morning. A steaming cup of coffee to start the day. Is it too much to ask?

The routine is fairly simple in my world. Here is how it works: The night before I reach into the cupboard and pull out a can of coffee. Not whole bean flavored coffee (although some of the flavored stuff is kinda good) that you have to grind to retain its freshness, just plain old Folgers from the red plastic can. Fill coffee maker with water and ground coffee. Set timer, and go to bed. Wake up, walk into the kitchen and pour my coffee, walk out to the porch and enjoy the morning. That is what I love about my morning coffee. Simple, good and starts the day out right.

Now for the kicker: Why does it taste better from a pink cup? Because that pink cup belongs to my mother-in-law and when I am drinking out of it, it means that my lazy butt didn’t have to do the prep work, or even fill the cup. It means “mom” had it ready for me. So thanks mom…….keep the pink cup coming.
That’s it from the porch

AAF Staff

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