Thursday, September 17, 2009

The age old question, “What is the best bow?”

This question is literally asked every day, in one venue or another. We all see this question on blogs, in forums, and on various web sites. We hear it while in the pro shop, at a local retailer, or even at a tournament. The bottom line is most of us hear it all the time.

What we also tend to see and hear are many opinionated responses coming in from all those in love with a particular brand or model over another. Most of these responses offer up compelling reasons as to why their bow is better than all others. But is it... really? I say maybe, but most likely the answer is no, it is not.

I myself am not qualified to sit and dispute one brand over the other. Why is that you ask? This is because, like the rest of you, I prefer brand X over brand Y for my own personal reasons. I, like most humans, find something I like and I stick with it until I find something else I like better. So, how could I possibly give you an honest answer to which is the best bow on the market? Truth be told, I cannot. In fact, no one can.

What I can tell you, and what I will offer up, is that the best bow is the one that YOU like the best. It is the one, free from biased outside opinion, that YOU went and shot, of which you liked the feel. It is the one that YOU liked the looks, price, and name. Whatever it is, it has to be a choice made by YOU.

When looking for a new bow it never hurts to seek opinions, it gives you some sense of basis. However, with the price of today’s bows, you owe it to yourself to go and test-drive the ones you think you’ll like. It is then and only then, that you can and will make the right decision for YOU.

So, good luck in your venture to find the “best bow” but always remember….it is what is best for YOU!

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