Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Did Microsoft fnally get it right???

While this is not directly related to hunting or archery, the fact that you are reading it means you are using a computer. that fact means that it is, more than likely, running Windows.

Microsoft, founded in 1975, has made a slew of operating systems over the years; some have been good, some have been horrible. Before we move into their up-and-coming offering, we will spend a few minutes looking at some of the past ones they have sent to market.

Windows 3.1 - was good for what it was, not many issues
Windows 95a - Was good, lacked USB support
Windows 95b - Added USB and became a decent, stable operating system
Windows 98 - While not a total failure, did not offer too much
Windows ME - One word - GARBAGE!
Windows XP - By far the BEST one ever released...ROCK SOLID!!!
Windows Vista - while not as crappy as ME, it is damn close.... HORRIBLE

Which leads us up to the soon to be released Windows 7.

While the final verdict is out, what can be said is that from the testing I have done with this one, it has the best of XP with the look and feel of Vista. So far, this one is looking to replace XP as the new front runner in the Microsoft stable.

With a release date of 10/22/2009, I am sure that the general public will let the world know what they think within hours of their installations.

If you are looking to get a new PC, make sure it includes the free right to upgrade to Windows 7....you do not want to have to pay for this one if you can help it.

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