Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Read the Sign.....

Recently I was walking a track of land I have permission to bow hunt. While scouting around, I cam across some fresh rubs. With excitement, I began to look for more when all the sudden I see a dark dome shaped object. I thought to myself; please tell me that’s not a ground blind. The closer I got, the more my heart sank to find what appeared to be a brand new ground blind nestled up inside the branches of a fallen tree.

When I first received access to hunt this property, I told the land owner I would post the property at no cost to him. I went online and purchased 100 “No Trespassing” signs, bought some roofing nails, and as soon as I had it all together I headed to the property. I spent all day out there posting the property according to my states regulations in hopes that it would inform others that they had no right to be there.

I’m currently working with the State Conservation Officer and other local authorities to find out who the person is behind this. I would like to add that over a month ago, I had one of my trail cameras stolen off this very same piece of property. So the next time you are walking through the woods and come across one of those bright signs that say “No Trespassing” think about respecting the wishes of others. It’s the folks that ignore these signs that give all of us moral hunter’s a bad name.

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